Thursday 26 June 2014

Mente Creativa!

Creativity means to explore our ideas, imagination and that extra ordinary unusual, uncommon and bright ideas are the creation of the unconscious. It’s an inherent property. Some people are by born creative and some becomes creative by their 2nd nature. Creation is spontaneous and miraculous. It comes sudden and sublime. The most striking features of creative activity are suddenness and intuition. The conscious mind tries to bring something from without, but the unconscious mind brings out the desired fruit from within.


Thinkers, Artist and Scientist have all described the feeling of possession by an impersonal force which accompanies the creative thought. In most cases the supreme type of creative thought appears to depend on an intimate blending of unconscious and conscious process, when both work in harmony.

In my leisure time I used to recreate and beautify the sceneries of Nature with my camera. I have indulged my creative mind in photography to have keen vision of nature. It gives me profound pleasure. It’s a real adventure to chase a butterfly, wait for its wings to open and then take its snap.
Small saplings looking upward with their heads high tech to aim higher things and to toil to rise high in life while sitting in garden I get sufficient time to brood over the realities of life and nature of object.
In short, Man has established his supremacy over all the other creatures with through his creative mind.